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发布日期:2024-10-10 08:18    点击次数:99

个东说念主简介 三级片在线看

赵卫东 副诠释/硕导 邮件(Email): wdzhao@fudan.edu.cn 地址(Address): 复旦大学江湾校区交叉二号楼 电话(Phone):021-65643028

东南大学博士,复旦大学博士后,香港大学和纽约大学Stern商学院2012年走访学者。主要持重本科生和种种商议生大数据中枢时代、机器学习和商务数据分析等课程的训诫。商务智能被评为上海市宏构课程,赢得2013年高级辅助上海市训诫后果奖二等奖。现在主要商议标的包括电子推选时代、机器学习与深度学习欺诈和大数据分析等。主捏2项国度当然科学基金、国度重心研发野心子课题、上海市浦江东说念主才以及30多项企业配合课题,赢得种种训诫商议形势40多项。已在Knowledge and Information Systems ,Information Processing & Management,Information Systems Frontiers,Intelligent Data Analysis,Applied Intelligence等国表里刊物和学术会议发表论文100多篇。出书著述《智能化的进程措置》、以及讲义《数据挖掘实用案例分析》《商务智能(第五版)》《机器学习》《机器学习案例实战(第二版)》《Python机器学习实战案例》等10多部。赢得上海市2015年上海市科技跳动二等奖。CDA三级认证数据科学家,腾讯云和百度云机器学习认证讲师。阿里云MVP。

Weidong Zhao Associate Professor Email: wdzhao@fudan.edu.cn Phone:86-021-65643028动漫区

Weidong Zhao was born in Xuzhou, Jiangsu Province. He got PhD from Southeast University.He worked as a post-doctorate at Management School, Fudan University from June 2001 to May 2003. From June 2003 on, he has been at Software School of Fudan University as an associate professor. His research interests include decision-making support, business intelligence and big data analysis etc. He has been responsible for the courses including big data technology and application and business intelligence, which were awarded as the Elite courses by Shanghai Municipal Education Commission. Application-oriented multi-disciplinary teaching pattern for Business Intelligence Course was awarded the second Shanghai Higher Education Teaching Prize in 2013.In recent years, he has taken part in more than 30 research projects funded by National Natural Science Foundation of China, the National High Technology Research and Development Program of China, China Postdoctoral Science Foundation, etc. Among them, two projects have been funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 70301004, No.71071038) ( principal investigator). And he also got the support of 40 teaching research projects. During the time, he also published over 100 research papers in important Chinese, international journals and international conferences such as PAKDD,Knowledge and Information Systems,Information Processing & Management,Information Systems Frontiers ,Intelligent Data Analysis,Applied Intelligence. He is also the author of the books named machine learning,Business intelligence etc. In 2006, he visited Hong Kong University as a visiting scholar. He was a visiting scholar of New York University in 2011. He gained the second award of 2015 Shanghai Science and Technology Advance.


机器学习课程:https://www.icourse163.org/course/FUDAN-1205806833 机器视觉与角落策划欺诈:https://www.icourse163.org/course/FUDAN-1456632162 商务智能(商务数据分析)课程:https://mooc1-1.chaoxing.com/course/100564035.html

———————————————————————————————- **接待优秀的全日制商议生报考商务智能商议室,本实践室与多家公司有始终世俗的配合,主攻机器学习、数据挖掘欺诈** 肄业不让一疑存 念书尚将万卷过

接待报考商务智能商议室商议生,基本条目和要求: 1、与多家企业有世俗的配合 2、富饶挑战性的科研形势 3、配合发表高质料的学术论文 4、有一定的英语和数学基础 5、对科研有较历害的兴味

***************************************** 本实践室与京东、江苏中天、上海藏书楼等公司配合了写稿机器东说念主、典籍智能标引、智能催收语音合成、在线学生学习步履分析、导线质料措置、股票助手、居品性量区块链回想等方面的形势。 商务智能商议室形势简介,接待有关配合! *****************************************

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